Chairs Council
Chairs Council Archive
Executive Committee
Chair: Ron Henderson, Physics and Astronomy
Secretary: Jennifer Vannatta-Hall, Music
Chair-Elect: Steve Severn, English
Past Chair: Jenny Sauls, Nursing
Chairs Retreat August 2021
Monday, August 16, 12:00-4:00 pm via Zoom
- Minutes
- Meeting Recording
- Access Passcode: Jng!i6mV
Chairs Council Meeting September 2021
Monday, September 20, 3:00-4:30 pm via Zoom
- Minutes
- Meeting Recording
- Access Passcode: z2j7Tgt=
Chairs Council Meeting October 2021
Monday, October 18, 3:00-4:30 pm via Zoom
- Minutes
- Meeting Recording is not available due to error with Zoom.
Chairs Council Meeting November 2021
Monday, November 15, 3:00-4:15 pm via Zoom
- Minutes
- Meeting Recording
- Access Passcode: EMC0%x&m
Chairs Council Meeting January 2022
Monday, January 24, 3:00-4:30 pm via Zoom
- Minutes
- Meeting Recording
- Access Passcode: 3+R&hz6c
Chairs Council Meeting February 2022
Monday, February 21, 3:00-4:30 pm via Zoom
- Minutes
- Meeting Recording
- Access Passcode: qq7N2D%g
Chairs Council Meeting March 2022
Monday, March 21, 3:00-4:30 pm via Zoom
- Minutes
- Meeting Recording is not available due to error with Zoom.
Chairs Council Meeting April 2022
Monday, April 18, 3:00-4:40 pm via Zoom
- Minutes
- Meeting Recording
- Access Passcode: HTg32D!0
Executive Committee
Greg Van Patten (Chair)
Heather Hundley (Chair-elect)
Greg Pitts (Secretary)
Beverly Keel (Past Chair)
Chairs Retreat 2019
Wednesday, August 21, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.Large Meeting Room, Sam Ingram Building
Regular Meetings
Third Monday of the month at 3:00 p.m. in Faculty Senate Chambers (JUB 100)
September 16
October 21
November 18
NO December meeting
January 27 (fourth Monday due to MLK, Jr. Holiday)
February 17
March 23 (fourth Monday due to Spring Break)
April 20
No information available.
2017-18 Executive Committee
Lynn Boyd (Biology) – Chair
Beverly Keel (Recording Industry) – Chair-elect
Greg Van Patten (Chemistry) – Secretary
Charles Apigian (Information Systems and Analytics) – Past Chair
Committee Descriptions & Assignments
Fall 2017 Meeting Information
August 22nd – Chairs Retreat at Miller Education Center
September 18th – Chairs Council Meeting in BAS S326
- Agenda
- Documents from meeting
- Meeting Minutes
October 23rd – Chairs Council Meeting in BAS S326
- Agenda
- Documents
- Meeting Minutes
November 20th – Chairs Council Meeting in BAS S326
January 22nd – Chairs Council Meeting in BAS S326
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
February 19th – Chairs Council Meeting in BAS S326
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
March 19th – Chairs Council Meeting in BAS S326
April 16th – Chairs Council Meeting in BAS S326
Executive Committee for 2016-17
Charles Apigian (Computer Information Systems) – Chair
Lynn Boyd (Biology) – Chair Elect
Greg Van Patten (Chemistry) –Secretary
Steve Morris (Political Science & IR) — Past Chair
Upcoming Chairs Council Meetings
April 17th – Chairs Council Meeting in BAS S326
- Agenda TBD
- 3:00PM – Meeting
March 20th – Chairs Council Meeting in BAS S326
- Agenda
- 3:00PM – Meeting
- Documents for meeting
February 20th – Chairs Council Meeting in BAS S326
- 3:15PM – Introduce Dr. David Butler, Director of Graduate Studies and Vice Provost of Research
- Documents from meeting
- MTSU Faculty Survey
- Minutes from Meeting
January 30th – Sub-committee meeting in S326
Fall 2016 Chairs Council Meetings
- Chairs Council Meeting – November 21st from 3:00PM to 4:30PM (BAS S326)
- Chairs Council Meeting – October 17th from 3:00PM to 4:30PM (BAS S326)
- Agenda
- Relevant Documents
- Meeting Minutes
- Chairs Council Meeting – September 19th from 3:00PM to 4:30PM (BAS S326)
- Agenda
- Relevant Documents
- Meeting Minutes
- Retreat – August 11th from 8:00AM to 2:00PM
Important Documents
2015-16 MTSU Faculty Survey Results
Below is a list of 2016-17 Subcommittees, members, and any relevant reports or documentation.
Chairs Handbook
- Collection of policies
- Best practices for chair functions
- Calendar of deadlines and responsibilities
Chairs Handbook Subcommittee members:
- David N. Nelson, Stephen Morris, Vince Smith, Maria Bachman, Chrisila Pettey, Deborah Belcher, and Ron Bombardi
Waiting List
- Identify priority courses/departments
- Procedures for handling wait-listed students
- Are students automatically added or are they added manually?
- Can the response be customized per department or course?
Waiting List Subcommittee members:
- Wendy Beckman, Ron Henderson, and Susan Myers-Shirk
Documents and Reports:
Faculty Retention
- Process for evaluating the need and timeline for salary improvements
- Need input on how much/whether merit should factor into salary equity adjustments
Faculty Retention Subcommittee members:
- Beverly Keel, Keith Gamble, Walter Boles, Heather Brown, Jeannie Harrington, Heather Hundley, and Don Nelson
- Need to work with AA to see if process can be further streamlined & simplified
- Work with provost to identify ways to get priority hires posted as early as possible in Fall
- Address any concerns for minority or veteran hirings
Recruitment Subcommittee members:
- Jessica Carter, Michael Baggerly, Jeff Gibson, Christy Groves, Roger Pieroni, Michael Parkinson, and Doug Winborn
Documents and Reports:
Faculty Evaluations and Mentoring
- Establish standard practices and procedures
- Share procedures, develop recommendations for formalization to prevent this from being imposed from above?
Faculty Evaluations Subcommittee members:
- Marva Lucas, Greg Pitts, Greg Schmidt, Lynn Boyd, Jim Huffman, and Lance Selva
Documents and Reports:
- collect data on workloads (peer institution already available) and use of reassigned time here
- Review policies and practices within each college
- Review and determine best use of the workload form
Workloads Subcommittee Members:
- Warner Cribb, Robyn Ridgely, Jill Austin, Jenny Sauls, Brandon Wallace, Michael Sherr, Billy Pittard
Documents and Reports:
Executive Committee 2015-16
Steve Morris (Political Science) (Chair)
Rebecca Smith (Social Work) (past Chair)
James Beeby (History) (Chair-elect)
Charles Apigian (Computer Information Systems)
April 18, 2016
- Agenda
- Chair’s Report
- Three policy updates: Instructional Space Use Policy | Schedule Production Guidelines | 2018 Academic Calendar
- Handout on Faculty Mentoring
- Draft of Minutes
March 21, 2016
- Agenda
- Minutes (approved at the April 18 meeting
- Chair’s Report
- List of Policies under Academics and Faculty Affairs
- Handouts for Presentation by Layne Bryant on SACSCOC: “MTSU Internal Process” | “MTSU Distance Courses and Programs” | “Selected SACSCOC Expectations for Distance and Off-Campus Programs”
- Handout for Presentation by Biran Hinote on the new SSC
- Draft Resolution on Admissions
February 15, 2016
- Agenda
- Minutes (approved at the March 21 meeting)
- QEP/ MT Engage
- Chairs Notes
- D2L Resolution from the Faculty Senate
- HB 2578 & TBR Faculty Sub-Council Report
November 23, 2015
- Agenda, November 23 meeting
- Minutes (approved at the February 15, 2016 meeting)
- Chairs November Report
- Revised “Recommendation” on Admissions (tabled for February meeting)
- Budget Statement / Document from Pres. McPhee
- Document from the President in Response to Chairs Council questions
- Draft Minutes from the November 23 meeting
October 26, 2015
- Agenda, Oct. 26 meeting
- Handouts (3) on QEP and MT Engage (Dianna Rust) 1 2 3
- Chairs Report
- Draft Resolution on Admissions
- Minutes (approved at November meeting)
September 21, 2015
- Agenda for September 21 meeting
- Minutes from the September 21, 2015 meeting (approved at the Oct. 26 meeting)
- Note and Materials (1)(2)(3) for Jeff Farrar presentation at the September 21 meeting
- Chair’s September Report
Retreat August 13, 2015
- Graphs by Lynn Boyd on the issue Admissions criteria
- Simpkins Presentation for retreat
- TBR Accessibility (to be addressed by Watson Harris at retreat)
- Agenda for Chairs Council Retreat (August 13, 2015, 8:30-1:00, Faculty Senate Chambers, JUB)
- Minutes (Approved at the September 21 meeting)
Executive Committee 2014-15
Rebecca Smith (Social Work) (Chair)
Jeff Gibson (Speech/Theatre) (past Chair)
Steve Morris (Political Science) (Chair-elect)
Steve Estes (Health & Human Performance) (Secretary)
Council of Chairs Retreat, August 15, 2014, Ingram Training Center
- Agenda and Draft of Minutes
- Handouts
- Minutes (approved October 20, 2014)
Documents from Chair (September 2014)
- Academic Leader (Sept 2014 issue)
- Names and Phone numbers for MT One Stop Shop
- Chair’s report from the Deans Cabinet meeting of September 3, 2014
- Chair’s Notes from the Deans/Directors meeting, September 17, 2104
Meeting, Monday, September 15, 2014, State Farm Room
Cindy Adams and David Gotcher on on-line education
- Cindy Adams’ Comments
- Prior Learning Assessment Documents
Minutes (approved October 20, 2014)
Meeting, Monday, October 20, 2014, State Farm Room
- Agenda and Notes from Chair
- Minutes (approved at the November 17 meeting)
Meeting, Monday, November 17, 2014, State Farm Room
- Notes from the Deans Cabinet meeting, November 3, 2014
- Minutes (approved at the January 26 meeting)
Meeting, Monday, January 26, 2015, State Farm Room
- Accommodation and Access Report, Handout provided by Lance Alexis, Director of Disability and Access Center, November 17
- Resolution on TAF funding
- Resolution on the Budget Proces
- Minutes from the January 26 meeting (approved at the April 20 meeting)
Meeting, Monday, March 16, 2015, State Farm Room
- Materials from Diana Rusk on QEP
- Materials from Rick Sluder on Success Markers
- Agenda for March Meeting
- Resolution on TAF funding adopted January 26
- Resolution on Budget Process adopted January 26
- Minutes (Approved at the April 20, 2015 meeting)
Meeting, Monday, April 20, 2015, State Farm Room
- Minutes (Approved at the August 13, 2015 meeting)
Reports/Studies from the Faculty Senate (2014-15)
- Peer Comparison Applications and Yield Rates
- Peer TBR University Tuition and Fees 2014-15
- Peer University Expenditures by College 2011
- Peer University Awards F11-F14
- Peer University Workload comparisons (2002)
- Peer University Workload comparisons (2014)
- Pell Eligible
- Work-Life Balance Report February 2015
- Study of Faculty Salaries at MTSU, May 2015
August 15 – 16, 2013
- Role & Scope of Department Chairs/School Director at MTSU – Dr. Brad Bartel, University Provost
- Faculty Assignments and Evaluations of Faculty – Dr. Jill Austin, Chair – Management & Marketing Department
- Role of the Chair in the Tenure/Promotion Process – Dr. Jackie Eller, Chair – Sociology & Anthropology Department
- Classroom Space Management & Course Scheduling – Dr. Watson Harris, Director – Academic Technology Planning & Projects/ADA Coordinator
- Budget Reports and Processes – Mr. Alan Thomas, Controller
- Gen Ed DFW Fall 2012 – Mr. Bruce Petryshak, Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
- Argos – Ms. Lisa Rogers, Associate Vice President for ERP – Information Technology
- Chair’s Master Calendar – Ms. Connie Fensky, Specialist – Event Coordination
- Selective Calendar of Deadlines for Chairs and Deans
- Assessment Data – Jeff Hoyt, Assistant VP Institutional Effectiveness
- Financial Aid (Scholarships, Current Student Issues, etc.)
- Academic Misconduct and Student Disruption – Dr. John Omachonu, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Dr. Deb Sells, Vice President for Student Affairs and VP for Enrollment and Academic Services
- Academic Affairs and Student Affairs Communication Bridging
- Vincent Windrow – Director, Intercultural Diversity
- Recruiting – Melinda Thomas, Director of Undergraduate Recruitment
- Academic Alert/Mid-term Reporting (Calendar) – Laurie Witherow, Associate VP Admissions/Enrollment Services
Chairs Council Meetings
August 16, 2013
September 23, 2013
October 21, 2013
November 18, 2013
January 27, 2014
February 24, 2014
March 24, 2014
April 21, 2014
- Chair’s Council Agenda and Notes
- Minutes (approved October 20, 2014)